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Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is designed to remove excess skin and fat from the upper and lower eyelids. The procedure can correct drooping upper lids that tend to sag with time and the puffy bags below the eyes. Blepharoplasty can be done as a single procedure, or in conjunction with other facial surgery such as a facelift or a brow lift.

Who is a Good Candidate for Eyelid Surgery?

Individuals in good overall health who notice loose, sagging skin above or below the eyes can usually be considered good candidates for blepharoplasty. The signs of aging and the effects of gravity, especially in the area around the eyes, can lead to sagging of the upper eyelid skin and bagginess of the lower eyelids. The inelastic skin often creates a “tired” or “angry” appearance, or may make a person look older than they actually are.

Ultimately, a consultation Dr Naveen will help you determine if you are a candidate for eyelid surgery. At that time, he will discuss what is involved in your personal surgical experience and the best technique for you to achieve a natural, more refreshed result.

What Are the Different Types of Eyelid Surgery?

Depending on your individual concerns, Dr. Naveen can help you determine which type of eyelid surgery is right for you. Some patients may even find they can benefit from a combination of both upper and lower blepharoplasty.

Upper Eyelid Surgery

Upper blepharoplasty addresses loose, hanging skin around the upper eyelid area, as well as any excess fat. This procedure can be employed to correct obstructed vision, and frequently helps patients achieve a happier, more youthful appearance.

Lower Blepharoplasty

Lower eyelid surgery is designed to reduce or eliminate the appearance of bags, puffiness, and/or sagging skin below the eyes. Results of this procedure typically provide patients with a more rested and rejuvenated appearance.

How is the Blepharoplasty Procedure Performed?

Fat and loose skin are removed from the upper eyelid area through an incision that is hidden within the natural eyelid fold. The incision does extend slightly up to the outside corner of the eye towards the eyebrow to allow it to blend into existing creases. When the upper eyelid problem is aggravated by sagging of the eyebrows this can be treated with a brow lift. Lower blepharoplasty surgery, performed either in combination with upper blepharoplasty or alone, requires deeper anesthesia. To treat the lower eyelids, an incision is made just beneath the eyelash line and through this incision the excess fatty tissue leading to the lower eyelid bags is removed and sometimes repositioned and the excess skin and muscle laxity is tightened, without changing the shape of the eye. Occasionally, in younger patients or if the lower eyelid skin tone is satisfactory, a transconjunctival lower eyelid lift can be performed through an incision on the inside of the lid.

What is Eyelid Surgery Recovery Like?

Following eyelid surgery, some swelling and bruising is to be expected, but should mostly fade within approximately 7-10 days. Dr. Naveen recommends consistent use of cold compresses around the eyes within the first few days after surgery to help reduce swelling. Any bruising can usually be concealed with makeup until it resolves. Based on your individual case, Dr.Naveen will provide you with personalized aftercare instructions, including information about how soon you can expect to resume your daily schedule. Most patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities for at least four weeks after surgery, but some patients may be able to return to work or other low-impact routines as soon as a few days after surgery, depending on their specific treatment plan.