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Designed to eliminate stubborn fat deposits in various areas of the body, liposuction can help many women and men attain a slimmer, more toned appearance.

What Areas of the Body Can Liposuction Treat?

Now among the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures, liposuction sculpts the body by removing undesirable fat from virtually any area. The most common treatment areas include the thighs, knees, buttocks, waist, hips, abdomen, chin, cheeks, neck, and upper arms. If you are concerned about multiple areas where stubborn fat has accumulated, it is often possible to treat more than one region within a single liposuction session.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

In your initial consultation, Dr.Naveen will listen carefully to your concerns and aesthetic goals, as well as review your medical history and conduct a thorough examination. He will then work closely with you to create a treatment plan that takes your individual needs and desires into consideration to ensure an ideal outcome

Healthy individuals who seek to reduce or eliminate localized pockets of fat and have good skin laxity are typically considered ideal candidates for liposuction. Liposuction is not a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise, but the procedure can eliminate areas of fat that are unresponsive to typical weight-loss methods. Patients who embrace diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle are much more likely to be satisfied with the results. A consultation with Dr. Naveen will help you determine if you are a candidate for liposuction. At that time, he will discuss what is involved in your personal surgical experience and the best technique for you to achieve a natural, toned result.

How Is the Liposuction Procedure Performed?

Depending on the amount of treatment areas and/or the volume of fat to be removed, liposuction can be accomplished either with the use of general anesthesia or with heavy IV sedation. Dr. Naveen performs the vast majority of his liposuction procedures under general anesthesia at an accredited surgery center or hospital. The length of your procedure ultimately depends on the total amount of fat to be removed, as well as the location and number of areas being addressed. Most procedures are performed on an outpatient basis, however, any procedure where a large total volume of fat is to be removed will require overnight admission for monitoring.

Tumescent solution consists of a numbing medication (lidocaine) and a medication to reduce bleeding (epinephrine) mixed in intravenous fluid, and is injected into the treatment area(s) prior to fat removal. This fluid disrupts fat cells for easier removal and helps reduce blood loss during the procedure by shrinking capillaries. The current methods for utilizing wetting solutions include wet, super-wet, and tumescent.

Super-Wet Technique

During super-wet liposuction, a conservative amount of tumescent fluid is infiltrated into the treatment area—approximately equal to the amount of fat to be removed. Super-wet liposuction uses more fluid than the wet technique, but less than the tumescent, ultimately providing maximum safety. The super-wet technique resolves the blood loss safety issue often associated with the wet technique (there is only 1% blood loss with super-wet), and reduces the risk of fluid overload that can occur with the tumescent technique.

Super-wet liposuction is considered to be one of the safest and most effective methods for liposuction, which is why it is Dr. Naveen’s preferred technique when performing liposuction.

What is recovery from liposuction like?

It is important that you follow all patient care instructions provided by Dr Naveen and reviewd with you prior to surgery. This will include information about wearing compression garments, taking antibiotic and the level of activity that is safe. Dr Naveen will also provide detailed instructions about normal symptoms you will experience and any potential signs of complications. It is important to realize that the amount of time it takes for recovery varies greatly among individuals.

Following surgery you will need a friend or relative to drive home, unless you stay overnight. Compression garments will need to be worn to facilitate proper healing resulting in a better contoured body. It needs to wear for four to six weeks to control swelling and promote skin contraction. Swelling is more expected 48 hrs after surgery and mostly resolves within 2 – 3 weeks. However there may be slight residual swelling upto four months. Bruising is normal and disappears with in seven to tan days.

Dr Naveen generally doesn’t put drains after liposuction. However may require if anticipated drain is more post operatively. Since all incisions were closed using absorbable sutures there was no need to remove sutures later. Dr Naveen takes great care to strategically place the incision in inconspicuous locations whenever possible.

How Long Do Liposuction Results Last?

A slimmer body is usually noticeable immediately after liposuction, but results should continue to improve as swelling subsides. The fat deposits removed during liposuction are permanently eliminated from the body; however, remaining fat cells can potentially expand as a result of unhealthy habits, so weight gain is still possible after liposuction. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle after the procedure is key to preserving your outcome. With a proper diet and regular exercise, initial results can be long-lasting.

Are There Any Risks or Side Effects of Liposuction?

Aside from temporary side effects like bruising, redness, or swelling, liposuction has several potential associated risks that patients should be aware of, much like any surgical procedure. These can include infection, irregular/asymmetrical contours, blood clots, fluid accumulation, and more. When performed by a skilled and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Naveen, the risk of developing these complications can be minimized substantially. Dr. Naveen will discuss these and any other possible risks with you prior to surgery, and is sure to take every measure to ensure the highest level of safety for all his patients. To improve overall safety and proper healing, it is also important for patients to carefully follow any aftercare instructions provided by Dr. Naveen and keep up with all scheduled follow-up appointments.